PSG Colorado

Privacy Policy and Website Terms and Conditions


PSG Colorado is also referred to herein as:

  • “we”,
  • “us”, and
  • “our”

and includes the following “team members”:

  • PSG Colorado, managers, and employees
  • Independent consultants we hire to fulfill our company objectives.

“You” and “your” refer to any individual reading/reviewing this privacy policy and website terms and conditions statement (“Policy”).  Words shown in quotes above have the same meaning when written with either lowercase or uppercase letters.  Definitions of italicized words appearing in this Policy can be found in the Definitions of Terms section below.


PSG Colorado is committed to protecting the personal data that is viewed and collected by us during the course of our normal business activities.  We do not provide content for or collect personal data from persons under 18 years of age.  We do not share personal data with persons who are not team members unless if required by law.


Types of Personal Data We May Collect

We may collect the following personal data about you:

  • Full Name
  • Phone numbers
  • Email addresses
  • Email preferences


We may collect these types of data from you when you complete a form, and/or click on an email link from us.

What We Do with Personal Data We Collect

We use personal data to:

  • Fulfill your request(s) when you complete a form
  • Respond to your questions or requests
  • Provide you with email communications regarding new activity, and/or other news related to PSG Colorado
  • Generate reports pertaining to website registrants that allow us to better tailor our products and services
  • Build and maintain a database regarding potential customers, and
  • Provide better web content (see also Cookie Usage section below).

Note that all non-transactional email communications contain a link to update your email preferences, including an “Unsubscribe From All Email Communications” option.  We may be required to disclose personal data to authorities when required by law.


How Long We Retain Personal Data:

  • Until we discover that it is invalid,
  • Until we are notified that personal data has changed or is obsolete, such as through email delivery failure notices or auto-responses, or
  • Until you request that your personal data be changed or deleted. You may request that your personal data be changed or deleted by calling 303-.


Website Terms and Conditions

  1. Repeated use of our website constitutes your acceptance of this Policy. If you disagree with any part of this Policy, discontinue use of this website immediately.
  2. Your use of this website is at your own risk.
  3. This website contains public information that is not encrypted.
  4. Forms on this website provide encryption to protect personal information you provide to us, which is covered by this Policy; however, no security measures are 100% effective. If you are concerned about security on this website discontinue use of this website immediately.
  5. Content on this site is provided as-is and we are not liable for any undesirable impact to you due to inaccuracies, errors, or omissions.
  6. No content on this website constitutes legal or investment advice.
  7. This website contains links to other websites not covered by this Policy. By clicking on these links you are subject to the published policies, terms, and conditions for those websites.
  8. We make every effort to ensure the availability of this website; however, we do not accept responsibility or liability for outages beyond our control.
  9. Content on this website is copyrighted.
    1. All logos and trademarks appearing on this website belong to us or are used by permission. You are not authorized to copy or use these logos or trademarks without permission from the company who owns the rights to them.
    2. Certain content is available for download to your computer. You may share this content with others only if you provide clear attribution to the author and link to the original content on our website.  You are not authorized to alter this content in any way.
    3. You may refer to or quote from our website content if you provide clear attribution to us and link to the original content on our website.
    4. You may not reproduce any other content on this website without permission from us.
    5. You are expressly not allowed to misrepresent any copyrighted content on this website as owned or authored by you. Doing so may subject you to criminal prosecution.
  10. You may not alter content on this website. Defacing pages or altering any content on this website may be subject to criminal prosecution.
  11. Any unauthorized use of this website, including attempting to circumvent security measures, may be subject to criminal prosecution.



This Policy will be updated as needed to comply with any relevant regulation changes, and updates may not be communicated to you.  If you would like to keep up to date with the way your personal data may be collected and used, we recommend that you review this Policy when you visit our website or at least every three months.


Definitions of Terms

Database – The application where we store personal data and a group of personal data.

Personal Data – Information listed in the “Types of Personal Data We May Collect” section of this Policy and any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier.  Although personal data may contain some of the same information required to enter into and execute purchase contracts with our customers, use of personal data as addressed in this Policy does not include information gathered for contractual purposes.  We do not pursue the collection of any other data that can uniquely identify you, with the exception of linking data as described in the Cookie Usage section.